Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fundraiser party!

Our fundraiser event last night was a great time, with a really good turn out.  We had around 50 people throughout the night and raised $1,080 for Susan G. Komen!!!  It was really great to see so many friends, old and new, and meet some new folks as well. 

Check out the assortment of ADV bikes: 

We sold raffle tickets for the HD Motorsports HERO camera so graciously donated by GoPro.  Our winner, John, really took it up a notch.  When he came up to claim his prize, he announced that in lieu of accepting the camera, he wanted to raise more money for Komen.  So we had a very impromptu auction right there in Zuffy's, and raised an additional $175.  It was really, really cool of John and was pretty entertaining, too.

We then raffled the GoPro hat and t-shirt.  Here's a pic of all of our winners:

Also, I got to see my sister today (before I leave tomorrow).  She and I had lunch together with all five of the kiddos, and I had the opportunity to assure her multiple times that I will be very careful and arrive back home in one piece.  I was so glad she was feeling well enough to meet up today.

And with that, I am off to eat some of my mom's spaghetti and meatballs, try to clear my head, and get some rest.

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