Thursday, July 29, 2010

Idaho... Day 3

This morning, my brother Matt, his wife Alicia, and I hopped on our bikes and set off from Swan Valley, ID.  As I mentioned, my mother and BK (world's best girlfriend-helper) are here in Idaho as well.  They flew out to meet me at Matt's house, and at the last minute, they decided to be our "support" vehicle for our first day.  We left my brother's ranch early this morning.

So... after a 400+ mile day, we have touched down in McCall, Idaho. 

We went over mountains,

 through canyons,

 past historic landmarks,

sat in construction,

through 35 MPH "towns",
and apparently,  BK can't drive...

Unfortunately, there is no pic, but in the town of Cascade, ID (population 997), I suddenly saw flashing lights behind me.  Brooke was driving the rental car with my mom, and got pulled over by one of Cascade's finest for following too closely!  Of course, the guy let us go, but it was excitement nonetheless.

So seeing as it's way late and we drove 12+ hours today, I'm signing off to get some much needed sleep.  Two more days with my bro and Alicia, and then it's the Canada for me, all alone.  Have to say goodbye to BK and my mom (again!) tomorrow morning.

Keep following us, it'll be entertaining, I promise.


  1. This is entertaining! I can just hear BK now talkng to the officer and with her southern way he was going to give her a ticket! So glad you had a great day with your family!

  2. Hi brothers and Alicia,
    I am so happy you guys are together and having a great ride!
    Matt, like the new haircut, I actually have more hair than you, haha! I can't tell you how much I wish I could be out there with you, thank you so much for honoring me. I am so proud of you both. You are really getting the word out . Continue to be safe and know I am with you in spirit! I have a most wonderful family!!!
    Lots of love,
    your sis

  3. Wonderful pictures. Great seeing the GS' and family together. Should be a great time riding together through the NE.

    Was BK pulled over for following the bikes too close? BBWWWAAAHAHAHAHAHA.

    That is a great aux gas can. Keep it going and sharing the adventure!

