Saturday, May 1, 2010

More Preparations...

So our site is officially live and word is spreading thanks to family and friends.  I can't tell everyone how much the support, encouragement, and advice is appreciated!

As the plans continue to come together and the trip gets closer and closer, I'll admit that I've been feeling a little anxious over the adventure I have ahead of me... But any doubt I may have had in the back of my mind was washed away when Kris saw the site "live" for the first time and I could literally hear the excitement in her voice.  What started as a crazy idea is now a concrete plan and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is what I'm supposed to do.  Now I'm anxious just to get started.

The few pieces of gear that I needed have been ordered and are on the way.  Here are some pics of the bike as of today:

You can see I removed the rear seat, as I have a new HappyTrails top box coming.  Also, two new boxes of various small parts from TouraTech are en route.

Next will be hard-mounting the GPS, getting some final bits and pieces from Blue Moon Cycle, and changing my windscreen.

Keep the comments, suggestions, and advice coming!


  1. Daniel,
    We are so proud of you and Kris' strength. If you need anything let us know. I would like to help you (if you'd like) to get national acknowledgement by contacting the news stations in some of the major cities you are traveling through so that you will get support and so will your cause. Please call if you are interested.
    Lots of love,
    Jessica Stribling

  2. Hey Daniel...It's Stacie. Just saw your link on Jackie's facebook page and I am so proud of you!!!! I am going to do my best to spread the word so that others can follow your progress and help raise awareness about what you are doing for your sister and others...this is an awesome idea and I am sure Kris loves it. Have a great trip and be safe because when I told your Nanny about it, well lets just say she was more than a litlle nervous lol. Just wish you had a route that brought you through NOLA...Hope to see you soon. Love Stacie, William , Will and Amanda

  3. Jessica - thanks much and I'll be in touch. Stay tuned. Brooke and I have some major excitement on the way.

    Stacie, long time no hear. Thanks for the support and encouragement. Although eveything I do makes Nanny nervous. You know this isn't far off from rappelling from a helicopter to fight a wildfire. Talk to you soon.

  4. Hey Kris,
    What a blessing to have such a great family, especilly your three crazy-wonderful brothers to cheer you on! You also have lots of other support - We love you and have complete faith in your ability to totally kick this thing!
    Kim, Rich, and Evan

  5. Kim, keep up with the Blog! I will be posting up Kris's progress. I spoke with her today and she is tired. The non-Chemo weeks are the best... But she remains strong and she is saving her energy up to do little things every day like going to Elijah's soccer games and visiting her childrens school for different activities. Its the small stuff and the positive comments that help her the best. She loves this site and its a perfect way for everyone to post up and give her the positive support she needs. I want to thank everyone for the kind words to my sister. She Is Pretty Awesome!
