Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Idaho... Rest day 2

My first two rest days are drawing to a close and I'm preparing for the next step of my journey.  I've had a great two days in Idaho with my brother, his wife, my mother, and BK.  I feel like I've caught up on a little rest and even got to enjoy the scenery a bit.

This evening we rode "into town" to pick up the rental GS that my brother and his wife will be riding as they accompany me to the Canadian border.  It was a great feeling to ride over Teton Pass with my bro on a bike beside me.  Very excited to get started tomorrow and continue to raise awareness.

Speaking of awareness, I received an email today from one of my contacts at Susan G. Komen (hi, Liz!) that passed along some really cool information.  The majority of Passionately Pink donations go directly to the local Susan G. Komen affiliate in the area the donation originates.  That means that from the generosity and support of you, my readers, friends, and family, we have helped at least 10 Komen Affiliates provide research and education to their communities, as well as screenings and treatment programs for people who would otherwise go without!  And, our donations are still also helping to support national Komen initiatives.  

It was really great to hear straight from the source that my trip is making a difference.  My main goal continues to be awareness, and through awareness, early detection and prevention of breast cancer.  Ladies, (and all of the gents that care about their ladies), please, please take a moment and check out the plethora of info on Susan G. Komen website.  This site is probably the very best resource for info on everything from understanding risk factors and prevention to early detection and screening.

We are still actively trying to raise donations, and every bit helps.  Let's try and help as many folks as we can through this endeavor.  Please donate if you can - we're all in this together.

My brother Matt and I have been in touch with Kris over the past couple of days and we are both excited that she will be tracking our ride.  She is having a great week and I know she is excited that we are supporting her during her treatments... some of us more than others:

Matt shaved his head to show just a little more solidarity...

So once again, thanks everyone for your support, and please keep tracking us, keeping up with our adventures, and commenting!


  1. Looks just like he did during FROG WEEK!!!

  2. Checking in on you guys. Want thank you for all that you are doing to "Save the Ta Tas" by spreading awareness. You and your family are very special. Enjoy your ride and be safe.
    Later dude!
