Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's Time.

Its time to leave. After a bit of wrenching on Kevins bike. We had to make the turn signals work and fix the Dash so it gives speed and RPM's. No big deal. We are packed and ready to ride. I will post up once Im up and back. The spot has been replaced. My third unit and it seems to be working. I hope the track log works.

After a bit of this....

Time for a long ride. Oh and its raining again. Im ok with it.

I will check in ASAP when I return.


  1. Congratulations on the journey so far, and
    safe travels! Glad the tracking is back up.
    Decatur, GA

  2. Daniel - So glad you're ready to roll for the final push. Hello to Kevin and safe travels to both of you. A special thanks to Arctic Fire & Safety for getting your SPOT replaced and functional again. This will give all your followers a lot of peace of mind to be able to track you and Kevin to Prudhoe and to follow you home to Georgia. We love and miss you. MOM

  3. Great to hear SPOT is back. Safe travels riding to the ARCTIC OCEAN!

  4. DEADHORSE HERE THEY COME!!! Best of Luck on your final leg of your journey. TAKE IT TO THE
    TOP, BOYS!!! Be Safe--Enjoy the ride. Love Ya

  5. WHAHOOOO! Wish you guys a safe ride and remember- Don't feed the bears. Love Ya'll!!!

  6. Woohoo, Coldfoot! Only 70 miles to Atigun and 240 to Deadhorse. Rock on!
