Sunday, March 6, 2011

2011 ATLtotheArctic ride is happening!!

So, to get the ball rolling for the 2011 ride, we will host a meet and greet.

Our gathering will be at Eclipse Di Luna on Sunday, March 13th ( one week away!). Event begins at 6:30 p.m. and music and dancing starts at 7:30...

Located on Miami Circle, Eclipse di Luna has generoulsy offered up appetizers for our first fundraising evening!
Come out for a good time and to help us raise money for a great cause! We plan to leave in August and will have monthly gatherings until we depart.

A donation at the door would be greatly appreciated. Or, you can make a donation right here; just click the DONATE link to go to our Komen Passionately Pink for the Cure site. It's easy; takes just a few moments, and is completely secure. [Last year's donations are still represented on the "dollar thermometer" on the site but will be deleted at the end of March. The thermometer will resest to Zero for our 2011 effort; your donations will appear there beginning April 1.]

This year, we would love to expand our efforts and accept help from everyone out there. If you know of a passionate motorcyclist or just a passionate person who has a story to tell or a personal reason to ride with us, please contact me and help us share all our stories to help find a cure for breast cancer.

2010 ride stats:
> Money raised - $9,100
> Miles ridden, in the thousands - more than 11,000
> Lives helped and inspired - countless

Please help us make the 2011 ride bigger and better, and let's help all our loved ones who are currently fighting breast cancer or are new and old servivors.

Thanks for your support!!



  1. Yay!! Marking it on the calendar and we'll see if we can make it!


  2. I hope to see you there Lori! Thanks for the support once again.

  3. Can't wait to meet everyone involved in putting together the SECOND ANNUAL ride. See you there!
