Monday, May 10, 2010

My Purpose.

More and more friends and family are sharing our story, and we're getting more and more visits to the site! My whole intent in keeping the blog is to provide a "bright spot" in Kris's days. Yes, of course, her five little bundles of joy provide plenty of excitement, laughs, and happiness, but I'm hoping this site will give her yet another outlet as she follows my journey while going through her own.

As I ride to Alaska, I will write along the way - sharing pictures with my sister and family, but also my readers. I sincerely hope my adventure will keep people coming back to the site to check up on both of our progress, and with that, raising awareness of breast cancer education and raising money for the Susan G. Komen foundation. My wish is that Kris's and my story will inspire others who are going through similar situations and inspire the people they love.

Kris is doing well, and is continuing her first round of chemo. There is plenty of buzz around the house as the kids are winding down the last two weeks of school. Everyone is ready for summer vacation and all of the activities that come with it.

Once again, thanks for the support and donations thus far. We are well on the way to supporting the cause and reaching our goal.


  1. Just got through checking out your site! Way to go, Daniel! Thinking of you and your family as you take on this challenge!

  2. When does the TV spot air? You famous now.

  3. TV Spot??? When and where cause I wanna see this...keep me posted. Stacie

  4. TV spot, thats to be announced. I dont even know when..
