Tuesday, June 22, 2010

One goal down...

This past weekend was our first "send-off" party to benefit the Susan G. Komen Foundation.  The great news is that through this little soiree, we not only met but exceeded our goal of $5,000!  We had over 100 guests - friends, family, folks I'd never even met - all brought together in honor of my sister, my ride, and our cause.  It was an evening of catching up, reminiscing, laughter, and celebrating.   A lot of our guests hadn't had the opportunity to see Kris in person since being diagnosed, and it was really wonderful for them to show support and see her in good form even during this second round of chemo.

Our party was hosted by my brother Marcus and his wife Jackie, the proud new owners of The Velo Vineyard, our venue for the evening.  I can't begin to express my gratitude for everything that went into the planning and execution of this charity event.  Once again, I just want to thank all of those who have donated and continue to support and contribute.

Even since reaching our initial goal, I am incredibly proud, humbled, and honored that donations continue to come in.  Please, please, please continue to help us spread the word - through Facebook, Twitter, email, phone calls, smoke signals... you name it .  Any way of communicating our story and inspiring others is a blessing in and of itself.

The Guest of Honor and me

All the women in my life - Kris, BK, and my mother


  1. Sorry I missed it, for many reasons. Kris looks great, can't wait to post some pics from Idaho. Lets get this ride going brother! Send some more pics to me and Alicia

  2. Margaret (BlueRC7 Record)June 22, 2010 at 8:28 PM

    Daniel, found this thru PBikes, what an incredible tribute to your sister..I have a place in Telluride, if your route coincides, you are welcome to use. Not too far from Durango, depending on your journey, but available en route or rolling home, or both.

  3. Great party!!! Looking forward to reading your blog during the trip.

  4. Wahoo ~ CONGRATS on surpassing the goal! I am looking SO forward to seeing Kris next month, and hoping to make your send off!
    I'll keep spreading the word; kudos to you Daniel, Palazzolo family, Donners and most importantly to you Kris!

  5. Margaret, I might take you upon that offer. my route does take me thru Telluride. By that time I will have some miles under my belt and likely very tired.

    Ginger,Thank you. Im going to raise the goal again. Im going to try to inspire as many people as possible. Less than 4 weeks till go time.
