Saturday, July 24, 2010

Rolled past 1000 miles today...

This morning I decided to stop and get some breakfast at the Cracker Barrel. As I got off my bike I had some nice folks inquire about the bike. We talked for a bit I told them about my cause and purpose. Next thing I know my check was taken care of. I have to say I am very thankful. It was a great start to a long day in the saddle. Thank you.

As for the rest of my riding. It was a long day rolling down I-40. Right on the edge of a storm. I was sooooo not wanting to ride in the rain on I-40. Thankfully I didn't. I was either just ahead of the storm or just behind it. I got a slight sprinkle that was it. I'm now in Dumas TX. A small town in the northern plains of TX. It was nice to put I-40 in the rear view.
A little rest stop action on I-40...

This tree was my shade spot. I definitely stopped and napped here for an hour. It was nice.

So another successful day. Lets see where I get tomorrow. I'm leaving the interstate behind and headed for the mountains. Should be some good photo opportunities. Looking forward to seeing my brother. I know he is looking forward to meeting up and helping support our sister. Since he lives in Idaho I know he feels removed this will be good for both he and Kris.

Off to sleep see you tomorrow!!

More pics....


  1. At this pace you will be in AK and back in a week! How many MPGs are you getting?

  2. Showing off that tush made of iron? :) I wonder if you can apply for that when you get back? Keep your fuel receipts. LOL. I am in awe of your mileage and riding time... Have fun spreading the joy and message to others, like at breakfast. Be safe! Have fun! Thanks for taking the time to share with us. -Lori

  3. You are really rolling! Wow, remember, drink lots of fluids, rest often, we love you !! The tracking feature is great, we are following furiously! Can't wait until you get some R & R at Matts, I am so excited to follow my brothers!!
    Go Beastie Go!!
    your sis

  4. OK so you made me cry with the last entry! We love you and miss you! The Palazzolos in Calhoun

  5. Wow, great distances in only a few (long) days! Keep it up friend.
