Saturday, July 24, 2010

Saturday morning... Arkansas

I cant thank everyone enough for the great send off yesterday. It was a bit overwhelming. The ride was hot and leaving Atlanta was hard to do. Well leaving Atlanta was easy, it was leaving all my family and friends.I also had a hard time leaving BK. She has done so much to help. She was crying it was pretty emotion. I admit I was a bit teary eyed when we rode past my sister, her husband and all her kids as well as my father on I-20. That was really awesome of them. Friday was a pretty long day. Not so much in miles. But in time. I didn't stop riding till 9:30 or so. My first camp was a crappy RV place behind a hotel. No big deal. I have to get through to Midwest to get to the west!
Here it is... home last night

As for the ride yesterday it was hot. Heading north on the future I-22 was as boring as the first time I drove it a few months ago. Crossing the Mississippi was cool. This is the pic I got while riding over the bridge right into the sun not that great but it was an awesome steel bridge.

Then traffic. As in turn off the bike and sit on the sun traffic. 3 lanes down to 1. That consumed about 2 hours. Oh and it was maybe 5 miles.

So all in all a great start to a long ride. I hope you guys enjoy. I will post up again after today's events.


  1. Daniel, A great start! And tracking you on the SPOT is awesome. Take care. I love you. MOM

  2. Someday you are going to have to show me how you are packing that tent on your bike! Tracking you is just amazing, I am sure Kris is enjoying it too. Luv to you both....enjoy your day my friend. Later dude! Kim

  3. Lover! So exciting and so impressive that you had time to post this morning!! It is great to see the pics. Stay cool and DRINK LOTS OF WATER and EAT PLENTY OF SNACKS!!!! I love you so much and will see you in IDAHO!

  4. We had alot of fun watching you ride by us. Have a great trip.
    You're awesome, have fun, we all love you!

    Your god-daughter,

  5. Great pictures from the bike! So sorry to hear you sat in that much traffic. No riding down the breakdown lane?? ;-) Good camp. I can't believe you rode until 9:30?!? Long day, but a good job. Keep up the great work and stay safe! -Lori

  6. Daniel, Saw your story in a local paper. Will be following your Blog. Be Safe. Love what you are doing for your Sister.

  7. A stranger here but enjoying the journey all the same. Amazing how technology, a great bike, determination, and a purpose all come together to make an impact in peoples' lives. Stay safe and know that many are following you on the road.

