Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

Well, I hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day weekend and an easy Monday off.  I know Kris's Monday was a good one, as her chemo was scheduled for Tuesday - giving her an extra day to hang with the family and relax.  I had to work the weekend, then had my one day off on Monday, but so it goes.

In continuing my trip logistics over the past week, my main accomplishment was arranging the dates I will be meeting up with my brother Matt in Idaho and riding to the Canadian border with him. We decided to change the route and ride the Idaho back-country instead of Wyoming and Montana. This suits me just fine, as Matt has lived in Idaho many years, and having flown a helicopter over most of the state during that time, he is certainly familiar with where the "good" roads are.

I've decided to try and maintain the current route on the map for the ride home - down through Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, then Utah.  The route in Utah should be very cool with mostly dirt roads and very scenic remote areas. I can't wait to get out there, shoot some nice video, snap some nice pictures, and share with everyone at home and those following along via the site. 

I wonder what thoughts are going to roll around my head while riding alone for most of the trip...?  I'm ready to see if I make it to Alaska and back in one piece.

And in donation news, we are doing great with just over $2,600 for Susan G. Komen Foundation.  But... the Komen foundation updated their website over the weekend and my donation page does not reflect the dollar amount nor the names of my supporters. I will be spending tomorrow working that kink out and trying to get the info back up and our progress meter in correct and working order.

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