Thursday, June 3, 2010

Kids are funny

So I'm at my sisters house, visiting with her and helping transport the little folks all over the place. With five of them, it's constantly busy. This afternoon I was exhausted and decided to take a nap, so I figured I'd sneak off to the far end of the house to the master bedroom and lie down... when I heard the door open and the sound of little feet and a Nintendo DS beeping.  I looked up and one of my youngest nephews had a full Powerade drink and a Nintendo DS in his hands as he walked by and headed to the bathroom. He went in and shut the door. About 30 minutes later he came out, having drank half the Powerade, and was then on like level 15 or something on his DS.  Serious business.

Funniest thing I've witnessed all week.

Little kids are funny.

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